jueves, 16 de abril de 2020

Social 6ºA y 6ºC

Good morning everybody!!!

Muchos de vosotros me habéis dicho que os ha gustado mucho el Quizizz de ayer sobre la Revolución Francesa.

Para hoy, Olivia os ha preparado un cuestionario de repaso de las Guerras Carlistas...¿preparados? ¡Vamos a ello!

Carlist Wars Quiz

Please circle the correct answer.

1.   How many Carlist Wars were there?
a.   Two
b.   Three
c.   Four

2.   When did the First Carlist War Begin?
a.   1833
b.   1840
c.   1887

3.   What is an absolute monarch?
a.   The king has all of the power
b.   The president has all of the power
c.   The people elect their king

4.   Whose death resulted in conflict over the next heir to the Spanish throne?
a.   Ferdinand VII in 1833
b.   Joseph Bonaparte in 1844
c.   Amadeo I in 1890

5.   Why did the Carlist wars begin?
a.   Because people believed that Galicia should be independent
b.   Because some people believed that Carlos should be king while others wanted Isabel II to be queen
c.   Because Spain fought France again for their territory

6.   What events inspired the Liberal ideals?
a.   The French Revolution and the Constitution of Cadiz
b.   The French Revolution and the Treaty of Versailles
c.   The French Revolution and Industrial Revolution
7.   The Liberals supported this type of government during the Carlist Wars?
a.   The absolute monarchy
b.   The rule of the Catholic Church
c.   A secular and modernist government

8.   What regions of Spain were the Second and Third Carlist Wars mainly fought in?
a.   Andalucia and Extremadura
b.   Galicia and Catalonia
c.   Catalonia and Murcia

9.   What caused the end of the Third Carlist War?
a.   The French invasion of Spain
b.   The Industrial Revolution
c.   The deposition of Queen Isabela II in 1868

10.               What was the period of time that followed the end of the Carlist Wars called?
a.   Protestant Reformation
b.   Restoration
c.   Republication

Tendréis que revisar el libro para acordaros de todo...¡hasta mañana, campeones!💚